Ladies On My Mind

A group of odes to the loves and affections of my past.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Garden

When I first saw the sunrise
She held my breath
I walked tenatively
In the crisp morning air

As the day grew 'long
I began to take work
Sowing the seeds
Of flowers of beauty unpassed

In the noontime they spring
Little sprouts green and tender
And picking the weeds
I took to task

And many buds arose
And round them peat fresh
With compost rich
Into the Earth did I prepare

In eventide blooms
Proliferous and grand
Full as open hand
Of a costumed chile presumes

Clipped the best and brightest
By stem and leaf
Delivered them fro
Unto you, my fair

In the vase on the table
For dinner the decor it made
For my efforts you rewarded
Me with supper made


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